Where We Work


The PPJV covers one-third of North America’s Prairie Pothole Region (PPR), including portions of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. Just 20% of the grassland in the PPR is protected, which equates to only 6% of the historic extent of grassland area.

Welcome to the Duck Factory

The value of the U.S. PPR to breeding waterfowl is unsurpassed, with over 5 million duck pairs (10 million ducks!), representing over 18 species, supported by its wetland and grassland habitat. Waterfowl produced in this region have been harvested in 49 states as well as Central and South America.

Conservation through Partnerships

The Prairie Pothole Joint Venture stands out as one of the most robust, science-based Joint Ventures in the country. It is only through strong collaboration with partners and landowners that these accomplishments are possible.

Photo: Mitch Kezar for the SD Grassland Coalition and USDA-NRCS

Grassland Bird Habitat Conservation

The PPJV hosts 45-90% of the continental breeding populations for several grassland bird species that are experiencing some of the steepest population declines. The loss of over 70 million acres of grasslands in the PPJV has made grassland birds one of the most imperiled guilds in North America.

Our Amazing Grasslands

"There's a real quality of life to living here in the west. And a lot of it is because of our open spaces, and to see young people realize that and hold that as valuable is really encouraging to me. Talking to Karlie, you talk about not just the biodiversity of grasslands, but there's a natural system here. They're self-containing and functional, and that's the beauty of ranches. We're producing food and fiber on the landscape but doing it in a way that's as sustainable as any system can be. And what it does is it keeps our biodiversity and our natural systems together, which is great for wildlife and open spaces, clean air, clean water, everything that we're always looking for." - Mitch Faulkner

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