
Fall migrating ducks

A Message from the PPJV Co-Chairs

Looking back over a generation of accomplishments, one thing is certain: our strength lies in the diversity of partners who have come together around our common goals. The impressive numbers of grassland and wetland habitats that our joint efforts have protected are testament to this fact. These fruitful partnerships have inspired confidence with residents of the communities where we work, allowing us to forge trusting relationships that not only ensure the Prairie Pothole Region remains a world-class stronghold for waterfowl, but that the economic and social well-being of these rural environments continues to thrive.

As we reflect on these accomplishments, we must remain focused and also look forward –, for many challenges lie ahead. Rachel Carson said that there is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature –, the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. These refrains also happen in the PPR. Fall migration turns into spring migration and as the thunderous melody of hundreds of thousands of wings plays overhead, we are reminded of the great responsibility with which we have been entrusted. It is our duty to ensure that this awe-inspiring refrain remains as magical tomorrow as it is today.

With that in mind, we hope you will be able to join us for two important meetings when we will continue to plan our future conservation activities. The first is the PPJV Management Board teleconference in early January. The date and time will be included in an invite, which will be sent out soon. We are also looking forward to our next face-to-face meeting at the 83rd annual North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference in Norfolk, Virginia, in March 2018. These opportunities to meet and to learn from each other are priceless, and we are very grateful to all of you for attending when you can.

Finally, we hope you will enjoy this quarter’s newsletter. This edition highlights the 30th anniversary of the USFWS Four-Square-Mile Survey, Ducks Unlimited’s Cover Crop and Livestock Integration Project, a South Dakota wetland restoration partnership project, the 2018 NAWMP update, and a partner profile for the Daybreak Ranch.

Yours in conservation,

Noreen and Tom

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