The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) steering committee convened the Future of Waterfowl Workshop September 25-27 at the USFWS National Conservation and Training Center as a catalyst for the next iteration of the Plan. The PPJV was well represented with a large number of management board members and technical committee members in attendance. The 2012 NAWMP Revision was a significant change and offered bold new thinking about waterfowl habitat, populations, and people, and the 2018 update will build out on the exciting vision articulated in 2012. Meeting attendees continue to wrestle with how to significantly improve engagement of audiences as diverse as waterfowl hunters, wildlife viewers, and the public at large. The writing team is scheduled to complete the draft Update by the end of 2017.
Be watching for more news from the NAWMP Plan Committee as they make progress towards the 2018 Update.
Contact: John Devney, Delta Waterfowl