2024 Annual Report
Photo: Kurt Forman
The past year has been an exciting one as we have hired a new communications coordinator and added new faces to our Management Board. We have increased our efforts to define who we are and where we are headed as a JV coalition. I say coalition intentionally as we believe we can strengthen our collective efforts, i.e., JV staff and Management Board organizations, with clear purpose and renewed collaboration. We remain committed and optimistic about the future of the Prairie Pothole Region.
This past year, two long-standing JV Management Board members, Tom Watson from Montana Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Rick Northrup from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP), retired from the JV Board and their agencies. We thank them for their unwavering commitment to the Prairie Pothole Region.
We also welcome six new JV Board members. Mike Borgreen from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Rachel Bush from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) filled vacant seats for their organizations, while four new organizations joined the Board. Representing these are Charlene Miller (Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe, South Dakota), Ryan Lankford (Assiniboine Gros Ventre Tribe and Montana agricultural producer), Julie Sibbing (National Wildlife Federation), and Carey Farmer (ConocoPhillips). These additions have already brought fresh perspectives on JV purpose and our approach to conservation.
For this year’s annual report we are highlighting the efforts of our federal partners who continue to be a bedrock for conservation in the PPR. We would not be informing conservation actions without the strong science collaborations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Habitat and Population Evaluation Team (HAPET) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. The work of these science entities helps prioritize and evaluate our conservation work to ensure effective and efficient effort. We would not be reporting on the substantial acres conserved and restored without the hard work of the USFWS Refuge and Realty teams, USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife programs, and BLM who work in collaboration with state agencies, NGOs, and private landowners. These vital partnerships continue to ensure federal conservation funds are efficiently leveraged to support wetlands, grasslands, and working lands in the PPR. The work of these federal partners, and in particular their work with private landowners, is the backbone of conservation in the region and contributes to the long-standing recognition of JV partners as powerhouses of conservation.
As we enter a new year, we are re-imagining our role to better harness resources, strengthen partnerships, and apply innovative science to conserve migratory birds, habitats, and the communities that rely on sustainable agriculture. We hope the following stories demonstrate the invaluable contributions of our federal partners in advancing these goals.
— Lauri Hanauska-Brown, PPJV Coordinator
“The grassland and wetland vistas of the Prairie Pothole Region have a unique way of inspiring each generation of conservationists. The current suite of PPJV partners and programs are stronger than ever, and poised to carry on the next steps in the journey towards an enduring wetland and grassland legacy.”
-Kurt Forman, retired USFWS South Dakota Partners for Fish and Wildlife program