The North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition (NDGLC) mentoring program provides a network of producer mentors who are available to share knowledge with other producers in areas including, but not limited to, grazing management, water development, wildlife management, cover crops, fencing, value of crop aftermath grazing, cutting winter feed costs, and profitable ranch management. Mentors offer consultation on a one-on-one basis free of charge and are also available to speak at workshops, conventions, and ranch tours. Each mentor is listed on the NDGLC website with a contact number and their area(s) of expertise for any producers interested in learning more about grassland management. Feel free to contact mentors as they have a wealth of knowledge they are willing to share.
One of the new programs the NDGLC presented this winter was a series of virtual meetings called “Munch on This,” many of which feature mentors speaking about practices used on their ranches. “Munch on This” programs are one-hour events that cover a variety of topics of interest to producers, such as holistic management, fencing and grazing strategies, and drought planning. Meetings were well attended and provided an opportunity for discussion before closing. Recordings of previous “Munch on This” programs are available to view on the NDGLC website.
This past year the NDGLC also implemented the Grassland Regeneration Program, which provides a field representative to assist producers and act as a liaison in grazing planning and cost-share assistance. The goal of the program is to improve management on more than 50,000 acres of grasslands throughout North Dakota by 2022. You can learn more about the Grassland Regeneration Program by viewing the flyer, below.