The PPJV is gearing up to host the 2022 Federal Duck Stamp Contest this September in Bismarck, North Dakota. Our partners have done a great job spreading the word about the Contest as well as the on-the-ground habitat conservation made possible by Duck Stamp sales. The competition brings a unique medley of fine art and affiliated events intended to spotlight wildlife habitat conservation, hunting heritage, outdoor education, and working lands that support North Dakota farmers and ranchers.
The diversity of affiliated events allows our partners to increase awareness and appreciation of the Stamp among different audiences and provide something for everyone to enjoy. This includes youth and women’s outdoor education, working lands and urban parks bird walks, art gallery exhibitions, brewery pint nights, conservation partner events, and more. We will also set up information booths at the Contest and outreach displays around Bismarck to highlight the value of hunting and outdoor activities to the citizens of North Dakota and those who come here seeking enjoyment. Here we provide a sneak peek at a few of the planned events – be sure to visit the PPJV web page to learn more about these exciting events and others!
A working lands tour will take place on Wednesday, September 21st at the Black Leg Ranch east of Bismarck. The ranch tour will be led by members of the Doan Family, owners and operators of Black Leg Ranch, together with staff from Audubon Dakota, North Dakota Game and Fish, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dinner will be served immediately following the ranch tour held in the Copper Jewel, the event venue and brewery located on site. This event is family-friendly, educational, and focused on showcasing not only the benefits of the Federal Duck Stamp but also the conservation efforts of Black Leg Ranch.
A conservation field tour is planned for September 22nd in the area around the towns of Mercer and Denhoff to highlight conservation funded by Duck Stamp sales and showcase our conservation partner work. Come join PPJV partners to learn about the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Small Wetlands Acquisition Program, hear from local landowners about farm and ranch conservation, and learn about conservation and research occurring on the Coteau Ranch owned and operated by Ducks Unlimited. Lunch and travel to and from field sites will be provided.
September 24th will be celebrated as “Duck Stamp Day at the Zoo” at all four North Dakota zoos – Chahinkapa Zoo (Wahpeton), Dakota Zoo (Bismarck), Red River Zoo (Fargo), and Roosevelt Park Zoo (Minot). Zoo visitors can participate in educational programs for the whole family. There are many fun youth activities planned, and the first 50 kids into the Zoo will receive a free Junior Duck Stamp. Visitors will also have a chance to buy a Duck Stamp to help support wetland and grassland conservation.
The Capital Gallery in downtown Bismarck, ND is staging an “Opening Day” art exhibition in conjunction with the Federal Duck Stamp contest taking place in the Capital City. Sponsored by the PPJV, the show will open on September 8th and remain on display through October 29th. Showcasing a variety of waterfowl and other outdoors-influenced artists from North Dakota and Minnesota, former contest finalists Todd Clausnitzer and Sam Coleman of Bismarck are included. “We are honored and privileged to represent these two award-winning artists along with many others whose work celebrates the region’s outdoor, wildlife, and hunting culture,” says Marci Narum, co-director of The Capital Gallery. The gallery will be including special events during the contest weekend, with plans to attract past contest winners with print signings. “We anticipate a record number of visitors to the gallery through the duration of this exhibition,” co-director David Borlaug says. “It is certainly going to draw people from beyond our borders.”
Be sure to visit the PPJV webpage to learn more about all the planned events.