
by Roger Hill/Pheasants Forever

Welcome to Pulse of the Prairies

You are receiving this e-newsletter as someone who may be interested in the prairies, migratory birds, other prairie dependent wildlife, the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture, or landscape science and conservation. As you read our first edition of e-news, we hope you find the articles of interest personally or professionally. We will continue to refine and enhance the e-news as time moves forward so we welcome your feedback or suggestions. Additionally, subsequent issues will have links to more extensive articles on our new and improved website.

If time allows you to read further into this issue, you will find an article regarding a recent paper we published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin on “The State of the Prairies” that assesses the past, present, and possible future conditions of the grasslands and wetlands in the PPJV landscape. Another article covers the recent “Prairie Summit” which brought together 90 participants in Bismarck to discuss challenges on the prairies and possible approaches to stem the tide of prairie habitat loss. From the landscape planning perspective is an article showcasing how the PPJV partnership is developing crucial scientific tools for land managers in Montana. Lastly, you will find an article on pollinators that will be the first of many articles to come on the topic. North Dakota is the number one state for bees and these same bees help pollinate cherry, almond, and other flowering agricultural crops in states across the country. From ducks, grassland birds, mammals, and insects – particularly bees – the prairies serve a role well beyond the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region.

Thank you for your interest and support of the PPJV and the prairies. We look forward to sharing news and information with you into the future. If you have feedback or ideas for future e-news articles, please contact Casey Stemler, PPJV Coordinator

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